Paul Stamatiou's Photo Site. Custom-built in Jekyll. Way beyond what I can do on my own. I love his photo essay format, though.

Why Are There No Rural Superheroes There couldn't be a Spider-man in Marfa, Texas?

Personal Knowledge Management is Bullshit. Is it, though?

Chinese Scientists Show Off Laser That Can Write Words in Mid-Air. The next Chinese Bond villain is going to be lit...literally.

Scientists identify hair loss regulator protein, which could be reversible. Nothing for me here but most of you out there can hope.

The day India moved on from its national sport – field hockey to cricket via The Switch. All it took was a whitewash from an archrival.

Only a country as complacent as the UK could give up its border privilege so easily

On window seat photography. If you must do it, do it properly, but Doc Searls assumes we all sit in premier coach (front of the wing).