In a new study led by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service, researchers found that each tree planted in a community was associated with significant reductions in non-accidental and cardiovascular mortality among humans living nearby.

Avatar may have a point about our even-closer-than-we-thought relationship with nature.

The use of a weighted blanket may result in more melatonin — a sleep-promoting hormone produced by the brain — being released, the research reveals. Melatonin reduces alertness and makes sleep more inviting.

Hold me tight, dear blankie!

Practicing meeting mindfulness allows us to free up time for other stuff that matters more. This isn’t to say that all meetings are useless — it’s just that the meetings we do have at Tremendous are meetings for a reason.  We don’t schedule meetings for quick status updates or aimless, recurring check-ins. And we don’t host Zoom happy hours or other manufactured social situations. (We save that for our twice-annual offsites, our most recent being September in Mexico City.)

I wish I could implement this in our workplace. Fewer meetings and more focused-work.

In new research, Cornell University psychologists find that study participants, on average, were more than twice as likely to call male professionals — even fictional ones — by their last name only, compared to equivalent female professionals. This example of gender bias, say researchers, may be contributing to gender inequality.

And what's in a name, they say. I've also observed this in academia. Women are more likely to encourage even their students to call them by their first names whereas some men insist on using the honorific 'doctor' while addressing them.

While Musk may be an extreme case, he's also the perfect example of the modern CEO: a chaotic blend of unproductive micromanagement and highly paid absenteeism. Being the “chief executive” is meant to be the highest position in the organization — the person who is ultimately responsible for everything in the company — and yet the modern executive is someone who deliberately takes on multiple roles, directorships, book deals, and speaking arrangements.

What I have always thought to be true – CEOs are overrated and grossly overpaid for something that we aren't even sure they are responsible for.

After reading Andy Baio’s latest post about AI-art generators and artist rights, I reached out and had him walk me through how to experience it myself. We followed the instructions in this video

Instructions on creating AI-powered portraits without relying on a third-party service.